Women and children suffer in poverty and abuse under the addiction of the men whom God designed to provide and protect them. In partnership with Celebrate Recovery, P4PI workers with local leaders to start life recovery groups helping men, women and children heal from their hurts, hang-ups and bad habits and experience the freedom to love and lead through the power of Jesus Christ.
What is better than a community with a good servant leader? A community full of people who lead by serving one another. Movement makers are trained to equip those around them to live like Jesus so that entire families and communities are transformed. Movement makers are often tent-makers who work part-time so that they can serve their community without strings attached.
What does it look like to follow Jesus as a daily lifestyle in weekly rhythms? How can families live on mission together? P4PI offers training in practices to follow Jesus in sharing His message, shaping others in His character and shining His love for the least of these.